Valentine’s day ideas for couples & singles

November 23, 2023

February is when we think about love more than any other month because of Valentine's day.

Often this comes with the pressure to do something special for your partner, which shouldn't be the case.

In this post, we share simple things you can do for Valentine's this year so that it won't be stressful but joyful and loving like it should be.

Especially if you are single: remember that self-love comes before anything else.

In this post, we share simple things you can do for Valentine's this year so that it won't be stressful but joyful and loving like it should be.

Especially if you're single: don't feel sad because you don't have a partner. Instead, celebrate yourself. Take this time to build a deeper connection and love yourself. Every single part of you. If you don't love yourself first, it'll be hard to fully accept someone else's love.

Here are some ideas:

  1. Express your love and gratitude towards your partner (or towards yourself)
  2. Write your partner a letter (or yourself)
  3. Make them a surprise dinner (or take yourself out for dinner)
  4. Buy them flowers (or buy yourself flowers)
  5. Give them a DIY coupon for massage (or give yourself a foot massage)
  6. Buy them (or yourself) a thoughtful gift (idea:

Loving yourself first is so important. But, unfortunately, we often search for love outside. We think we can only feel fulfilled when someone else loves us, and it seems 'bad' to be alone.

But it's not.

So, if you're currently not in a relationship but with yourself, use this time to deepen your connection.

We tend to be disconnected anyway in this modern world.

Trust me when I say that the best thing you can do is to build a strong relationship with yourself. The more you love and accept yourself, the more you'll be able to love and accept someone else and vice versa. Yes, it's beautiful to be loved.

But to truly love and accept yourself is the real magic.

Have a beautiful day wherever you are, whatever you do.

It starts with you.


Teja from Butter Be Kind

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